Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year

Happy New Year everyone, sorry if it's been a long time since my last post. The end of the year and the end of the decade went out with a bang. I really wanted to keep you up to date with everything that was going on while Rob was away but unfortunately it got soooo busy that I didn't have time to blog, tweet or update my status on Facebook. You see while Rob was away on Sabbatical for 3 months I was the acting Senior Pastor and Youth Pastor at Bikers Church while working full time at my regular job during the busiest time of the year, trying to be a good husband and father to my 6 year old twin girls and finally teaching a 6 week class in October and November. Please don't think I'm throwing myself a Pity Party, on the contrary I am extremely grateful for this opportunity to serve because it showed me 5 things that I needed to know and they are as follows:

1. How far I can be stretched and not broken.
2. When I do reach the breaking point I'm never alone.
3. I can and need to get out of my comfort zone.
4. How much support I have around me at all levels.
5. I need to learn how to set priorities and ask for help.

I was watching a video in May, at the end of my school year, by Craig Groeschel that was recorded at Catalyst a couple of years ago. He said that he prayed a simple prayer over and over again and he encouraged people to say the same prayer so I did because I didn't know any better. He was right it was a simple prayer but what he didn't mention is how dangerous that prayer was. Always be careful what you wish or pray for because you may get exactly what you are praying for. His prayer to God was Stretch me! Ruin me! Heal me! So I spent all of June and July asking God to stretch me, break me, heal me so He did!

As much as it was busy, now that things are finally back to somewhat normal, I want to start the year off with a clean slate and since this is officially my first day back to work from the Christmas holidays this will be my first post of the new year and the new decade. Over the next couple of days and weeks you will notice some slight changes to the look, format and content of this blog, don't worry I'm not going to get all serious or preachy or uptight! It's just not my style or who I am and I firmly believe that you have to be who you are and who you were created to be. I firmly believe that we are all gifted in different areas and we should utilize those gifts. Being someone you're not, adds to the frustration, confusion and stress of everyday life. So stick with me it will be a fun ride this year.

1 comment:

Georges Larabie said...

Welcome back and a happy new year to you and your family.