Thursday, January 29, 2009


I don't care how spiritual you are, or claim to be. I don't care how long you have been a Christian. I don't care how many years you have gone to church, you have to admit that some days you just don't want to... (you can finish this sentence). In my case today is one of those days. The problem is my don't want to list is quite long, maybe even too long to write in this entry. Let's just start with the easy ones, today I don't want to...

1. get up and get going
2. be courteous, polite and friendly
3. be patient, nice and caring
4. deal with people
5. sit in traffic
6. listen to people tell me about their problems...

These are just a few of the "I don't want to" items on my list today. The difference between my past life and now is; I don't let my "don't want to" list take over my life. I look for something positive that will get me from where I am when I wake up, to where I want to be when my wife and kids wake up 1 hour later. If that doesn't work I spend time talking with God asking Him for help, praying for a different mindset or outlook and I then I pray for other people. When you pray for others it is easy to see that, in most cases, it could be worse. Don't get me wrong I have to work at it regularly (OK everyday) but as I said I refuse to let my "I don't want to" list take over my day, my week my life. And wouldn't you know it, it's always those days when people stop you and ask for your advice or it is the slowest traffic day of the week. I'm really happy that I took the time to refocus this morning because it seems like it's been one of those days where I won't be able to get anything done. So far I have had 4 phone calls, 3 people stop in my office for over 30 minutes just to chat and tell me about their personal issues and a half a dozen emails asking me for my advice and council. With everything happening it has taken me over 3 hours to write this so I hope you can get a little something out of it. Well I got to go somebody just walked in.

Talk at you later


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing Marty. Some times I think I'm the only one that struggles. But to read from someone else just lets me realize it's not just me.