Thursday, September 3, 2009

Hard to get back into it

Did you ever notice the longer you wait to get back into it the harder it is to actually get going. It is so much easier to just stop doing something and not think about it anymore. One of my biggest character flaws is that I like to start stuff do it for a bit and move on to something else. Just ask my wife I must have over 15 membership cards to gym, martial arts studios, health clubs, diet plans etc... I don't know why I do that but it just happens. I can go to the gym for 8 months loose tons of weight improve my cardio by 150% come back from holidays and never set foot in the gym again. This is what is happening with this blog I was doing well (sort of) decided to take the summer off and now it's killing me to keep it on track. It's not that I don't want to do it, it's just getting back into it is hard and slow. I am working hard at finishing what I start as stated in the 5 books I have on the go (none of them finished) but I have to take baby steps. My goal for September is to finish the books that I started, become consistent with posting on my blog, finish the work that I started at home and stay on track at the gym. It seems like such a huge list but really it's not that bad most of the books I only have a couple of chapters left, stuff at home is just touch ups and I now have an accountability partner (my wife who is also the finance planner) to make sure I go to the gym regularly. People call me a professional procrastinator and even though I take offense to that I will deal with them later!

If you deal with the same issues please feel free to let me know what you are doing to change these bad habits.


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