Thursday, November 13, 2008

Back in the swing of things

Wow what a great time and what a conference! The speakers were amazing and the youth that we took with us did an awesome job. They really impressed me and changed my attitude towards youth ministry. You see when I started this journey I said to myself there are only 2 areas that I would not work in and the first was youth! Well God has a sense of humor and He loves it when we say we won't do something because it's not in us. He will find a way to get you to see it His way eventually!

I know that youth ministry is hard and I know that it won't always be perfect but that's what will make it fun. And that's why this may be a perfect fit, I can be hard to get along with and trust me I'm far from perfect, VERY FAR from perfect. Maybe if I trust God and let go He might just guide me in the right direction. He tends to do that when you let Him.

So I'll keep you posted on my future plans and thoughts as I continue to contemplate some heavy questions.

Talk at you later


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