Two more posts to wrap up this series on commitments. Today I will touch on 2 important commitments and tomorrow I will finish with the final commitment. I know it's been a while and things went a squirely lately so let's quickly recap what we have seen so far.
1. I will move slowly
2. I will regularly check my motives and evaluate my heart
3. I will steer clear from the numbers game
4. I will not criticize the past
5. I will avoid the comparison trap
6. I will focus on priorities and
7. I will pace myself
Now I know that some actually probably most of you do this already but it needs to be added to remind us why and who we are doing this for.
8. I will serve.
If you look at Mat 20:26-28 tells us that if you want to lead you must learn to serve. If you want to be first you must learn to be last, whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant. Serving is noble, serving keeps you humble. How do you fight selfishness, serve. The most important part in those verses of scripture comes in verse 28.
"For even the Son of Man came not to be served but to serve others and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Read this verse over again, now re-read it. Let it sink in, remember it and live by it. If Jesus came to serve and not be served than who am I to think that I'm better than He is!
9. I will be a learner.
Never stop learning, always keep the heart of a student. It is extremely important to be open to different concepts and teachings. I have learned so much from the youth in the last month. They can be so open and honest, actually sometimes they can be brutally honest and I respect that from them. You learn from your mistakes and I have made some impressive ones at different times in my life. I'm glad I have people in my life that can speak into my life to guide and teach me. Sometimes the pill was hard to swallow, the lessons were painful but they are also essential in growing.
So I pray today that you can find somebody like that for your life. I pray that you will always be ready and willing to learn and that you will continue to grow. I pray that you will always be a student of life.
Talk at you later
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