Today I will be touching on 2 points that are all very relevant and important. I will be describing separately but they can be used as one.
So here we go:
Commitment # 6. I will focus on priorities.
Pretty self-explanatory isn't it, or is it? Not as easy as you think, you can get distracted with the smallest things. There's a series of books called "Don't Sweat the Small Stuff" that really reflect this commitment. When everything has to be done yesterday than how are you supposed to know what has to be done first. Sit down and have a planning session, either alone or with the Senior Pastor to set a list of priorities and use those as a guideline. You will be surprised how much time you will save by having a clear list of what needs to be done and when. Everything else becomes secondary.
# 7. I will pace myself
Hebrew 10:36 really sums it up: " Patient endurance is what you need now, so that you will continue to do God's will. Then you will receive His promise." Remember when I talked about running the marathon if you don't yourself you will burn out quickly. Be patient, take time to listen to God. He will direct you in the correct direction if you let him. It's God's time not yours and sometimes that's really hard to accept because after all we know more than God right? I have just started an exercise program and all I can think about is how much I was doing a couple of years ago and how much I'm out of shape now. I can't keep up to what I was doing in the past I need to start with the walk program, then do the walk and run, eventually the run and walk and finally to run again. When I try too hard or move too fast I crash and burn with sore feet, bad arches and shin splints and I quit again but instead of quitting sometimes you just have to slow down or walk you don't have to run all the time.
That's all for today please feel free to send me some comments on this or any of the other messages.
Talk at you later
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