Saturday, March 7, 2009

Lessons Learned Part 3

Sorry about that. I have neglected my blogging duties for a couple of days and left you hanging a little (that's OK sometimes the anticipation is worth it).

So here it goes. You will have excuse the mistakes that may occur during this post as I am trying to do 2 things at once, post this message and answer my 5 year old daughter's questions. If you have a 5 year old girl you know exactly what I'm talking about!!!!

Principle # 5 I will avoid the comparison trap.
This is a very big one especially for me. Being very new to this I found it easier to just go to other groups to "see and take notes" on how they do things. It was a very sobering moment to walk into a room with 115 kids worshiping and praying all together. How can you not compare what they have with what you have. It's an easy to trap to fall into if you're not careful. You know what I realized in that moment, they are not MY youth and even if they have 115 none of them come from my group. I love the youth I'm working with and wouldn't trade them for anything, they keep me grounded and on my toes at the same time. WE are a group whether we are 12 or 120 this is OUR group I don't need to compare myself against other groups or other leaders God called ME to be here not a clone of them.

I just realized that I didn't post this message I saved it instead you see I told you it is hard to do 2 things at once when you have a 5 year old.

Talk at you later


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