Webster defines passion like this:
a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, object, or concept.
And calling:
a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action especially when accompanied by conviction of divine influence.
The definitions are pretty close when you look at it quickly but the important difference is found at the end of the second definition: "accompanied by conviction of divine influence."
I know a lot of people that have a passion for something, sports, bikes, their jobs, other people whatever the case may be, but I have rarely found people that have a Calling for something. However when you do find someone, you know it! You can feel it through them when you're around, you can almost feel jealous of that Calling. When it comes to callings most people always think of very big names, like Mother Teresa, Desmond Tutu, Martin Luther King Jr. and that's just off the top of my head, or you can even think of famous people like Billy Graham, Rick Warren, Joel Osteen etc... But I encourage you to look around, look at the people around you, people you know friends, family and I can garantee you will find somebody close to you that definately have this Calling.
I have been blessed this week to have come accross 2 people with this Calling and for that I'm extremely grateful. The first was Tuesday, it was my first night of my final year of Bible school and to my surprise the teacher for this term is actually the Dean of the school. This man has been in ministry for over 30 years and I had never had the priviledge of hearing him speak. What a shame because it was the best class I have ever been in. So for the next 6 weeks I have the honor of taking a class with Pastor Barry Boucher. The man has a Calling! He is an amazing teacher and speaker! I sat in that class for over 2 hours and I was disappointed when the class was over and trust me that's amazing because I have always hated going to school!
The second was last night! We had our usual service last night at Bikers Church. It was a question and answer night and when I speak to different pastors they all have the same answer "ooooh I hate having a Q&A service because you never know what will be asked", I personally love those nights BECAUSE you never know what will be asked. Anyways after doing the Intro I sit down expecting the usual questions, I'm getting ready to take notes because I'm still being mentored, still training and learning. Rob comes to the front and asks before we start he wants to share something with the congregation, something he feels is on his heart and it must come out and he starts to speak! That 10 to 15 minutes of sharing was the best speach, sermon, teaching (whatever you want to call it) that I have ever heard! I really hope that this part was recorded and that it is made available to everyone on the podcast because it was TOTALLY AWESOME!!! I had not heard that much fire and conviction in a while. I was just sitting there in complete and total awe. I was, and am still today, proud and honored because I'm doing my mentoring classes with Rob. Wow if I can be half the speaker that he is I would probably be considered one of the best in Ottawa, that's how good he is! The room was completely silent, eyes and mouths were wide open just in awe at what he was saying and how the message was being delivered. What a great night, I felt like I used to when I first started coming out over 5 years ago.
A lot of you might be thinking it's just the experience of being pastors for so long and that's why they are good at what they do, well I completely disagree. I have heard people speaking in church circles with years of experience and not even come close to what I witnessed this week. This is more than passion THIS is what I think is the true definition of a Calling! These two Pastors ARE called to do what they do, not because they can speak in front of a crowd but because they say what God wants them to say. These 2 men are what the Church leaders should be!
Pastor Barry thank you for the awesome class on Tuesday and believe it or not I'm really looking forward to the class and the semester!
Rob the service last night was the best I have heard in years probably one the best message I have ever heard. Thank you for taking the time to mentor and train me. I feel totally blessed to have such an opportunity and I hope that someday I have the chance to show my gratitude for all your efforts and teachings! After last night's service I realize how much I still have to learn.
I encourage you to check out last night's podcast at:http://www.bikerschurch.com/index_en.html
Enjoy, talk at you later
1 comment:
Thanks, brother!
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