Monday, September 22, 2008

A great day

So I've been really going negating my posting duties lately! Everyone who blogs tends to go on hiatus for a while, however most people do that after several months but for me it lasted 1 week and then "life" got too busy all of a sudden, or so I thought!

I was going to write or comment about the conference that I went to on Saturday, or comment on the service that I went to on Sunday or the concert/show I went to on Sunday night! I had so many choices that I was actually stuck on what to talk about that is until about 1 hour ago! Everything changed! My views, my opinions, my meaningless rants and selfishness has been pushed aside to make room for others.

Rob (the Bikers Church pastor for those of you who don't know) started a new sermon series this week at Bikers Church called the upside down life. I think this is going to be a great series because like everybody else at church I struggle with some of these. OK most of these! You see I love to help people, I love serving and I love being there for friends and family members (brothers and sisters) of our church, but when it comes to being there for my immediate family I seem to fall short! WAY SHORT! Don't get me wrong I would do anything for my family that's not the problem, the problem is assuming that they know this! It's easy to say well she knows that I love her or my daughters will understand if I'm not there AGAIN, or I don't have time to call my parents but they know I love them so that's just good enough. TRUST ME IT'S NOT! MAKE THE TIME AND LET THEM KNOW!

Can I tell you a story? If you said no then stop reading, for the rest of you here goes. For those who said no this is your last chance stop reading now!

Like the title of the blog says I'm an assistant pastor and since the beginning I have been working out of my own home and that just isn't working out very well. So the church that we are partnering with offered a room to use as an office and today was my first day here at the office. I got more work done today than I did all summer it's totally awesome Thanks guys! However it's funny how God works. I'm sure He has a sense of humor and He loves to show me things in the funniest ways! This office is connected to a church that has multiple ministries in the city and one of them is a drop in soup kitchen from Monday to Thursday! Today I met one of the volunteers let's call him John, 1. to protect his identity and 2. because I'm really bad with names and I forgot it! I went to the washroom and got lost, now before you say anything this place is a labyrinth, and ended up in the kitchen downstairs and that's when I met John. We started talking just having a conversation and being very polite. I started asking him about, well him, and he told me that he has been volunteering there for over 10 years. He has been coming out EVERYDAY for the last 10 years! Rain or shine he comes out and cooks dinner, serves and cleans up day in, day out FAITHFULLY! I thought that was amazing, here I am complaining at how busy I am having to make time for others, when all John does is make time for others. I was going to end the story here but it just got better! Funny! God I get it! As I'm writing the door bell rings, it's John, he locked himself out, and got lost walking around the building!!! I asked him how he got lost working there for so long??? Turns out John is 75% blind!!!! And that's when God spoke to me and said "How do you like them apples!"

So now I'm blogging again, I read the chapters that had to be read, I watched most of the Dreamweaver videos, sent an email to my wife, drew a picture for my daughters and sent an email to my parents telling them that I love them and appreciate everything they do for me/us.

Make the time for the important people in your life, show and tell family and friends that you love them don't assume they know because they may not know! It's not too late!

Talk at you later!


1 comment:

JC said...

Hey Marty txs for sharing. Marty you'll be delighted to know that they actually make devices especially for people like you, they're called hand held GPS units. LOL
From my previous years of ministry experience I know full well how easy it is to become soooo engrossed in serving that we forget those that God gave us first to serve, our families. I was once the president of a men's ministry, and a leader of a small group. I was nominated twice to the Board, but twice I had to turn it down because I was severely neglecting our own family.