Sunday, March 15, 2009

Technology overload

Before I get to my new post on Lessons Learned part 5 I just want to comment on the use or should I say over use of technology. Don't get me wrong I'm not against technology, I'm just starting to have issues with the amount of technology we need to keep up. It seems like every time we get into something, or sign up to another site something new and better comes up. Anyone who knows me knows that I'm ALWAYS behind technology wise and I'm OK with that because I still believe in building relationships with people, I love the human face to face contact. Anyone who sends me something on Facebook or My Space asking to be friends I always try to invite them to lunch or for a coffee I just love and need the face to face contact. The problem is when networking becomes a full-time job I have to learn to cut back. Sometimes I feel like I'm speed dating going from one meeting to another. There is a great line or concept in the movie Jerry Maguire when he says that instead of having hundreds of clients we should cut back and build relationships with the existing ones. Unfortunately this isn't a popular concept when it comes to business and he ends up getting fired for writting his manifesto.
As of today I'm adopting that concept and streamlining my focus. I am cutting back on most of my social networks. I'm cutting out My Space and Yahoo, I will be checking Facebook only occasionally and will be Twittering on a limited basis. My main focus will be this blog, person to person tweets, the creation of a website for The Journey and The Journey Page on Facebook.

I thank everyone who follows this blog and I promise to make a better effort to be more consistent with my posts.

Talk at you later


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