Tuesday, January 5, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

Ah yes it's that time of year again, the time when people sit down and think of ways to torture and guilt themselves into doing something they should be doing anyway.  Stuff like eating better, going to the gym loosing weight, becoming a better person or whatever, the list goes on and on and on.  Every year my friends try to sucker me into doing it and every year after much debate (and usually a cash incentive) I end up giving in and making some New Year's resolution and sticking money in the pot.  Oh and by the way in case someone from Revenue Canada or someone from a church board reads this post all the money that I win goes directly to a charity, and maybe someday I will win and that last statement will be true.  
So this year was no different from any other year, I was at home January 1st expecting a call from my buddies, but there was no call????  I was like, finally the tradition has been broken no more resolutions WOOHOO!  So I went to bed thinking this is going to be a good year, I'm not starting off the year with any kind of stress like no coffee for the year knowing that by day 2 I would be eating the coffee grinds directly out of the can using the excuse that theoretically it's not a cup of coffee it's just spit and grinds ( I know I'm pathetic but I hate loosing) or quiting chocolate and 1 week later eating a bar of non-sweetened bakers chocolate and using another excuse that I wanted to bake something and needed to know if this was good for diabetics.  But this year it was different no silly resolutions to get in my way of enjoying the new year.  By Sunday I said to myself, not that I speak to myself regularly, "Well Dude", cause that's what I call myself, "this sucks!"  I was totally bored and felt unchallenged so I called my buddies and asked them what was going on, why no resolutions this year and telling them that I want in and that I had a great resolution this year?  And that's when it hit me, like a flash of lightning through my brain I remember saying to my buddies right before Christmas, and I quote myself "My resolution for next year will be to not make a resolution!!!!!"  After long periods of laughing and pointing at me by my friends I realized that I had lost the challenge AGAIN!  So it's back to waiting another year!

Let me just say for the record since I lost the game, I ended up making a few resolutions on my own.  Personal resolutions that will help me get closer to God and hopefully become a better Pastor.  It doesn't have anything to do with my physical health but everything to do with my spiritual health and since I'm accountable to Him only I will keep it that way.  I will keep my resolutions personal and private and hopefully by this time next year I will be able to report on how it went, how long it lasted and if I made it or not.

Talk at you later.


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