Today it feels like I spent the whole day putting out fires and dealing with personal issues. It seems that when people know what I do or at least what I'm studying to do it's an open ticket to say and ask anything. Usually I don't mind but sometimes when it hits too close to home or when it gets personal the time and place might be inappropriate. Don't get me wrong I love helping people, I love serving God and when I can do both at the same time everything feels right. So helping a co-worker just seems natural but as I said sometimes the time and place that is chosen can really make me feel uncomfortable and uneasy. I don't like to get into huge theological debates in public with people that don't want to hear both sides, or people that just want to debate to hear themselves talk. I don't like being put against the ropes and thrown blanket statements and asked to "defend" myself or "defend" all of Christianity and then the person walks away after the general statements were made. I don't mind having a conversation with someone where we can exchange ideas and opinions but blanket statements thrown out to embarrass and shame believers I don't have the time or patience to deal with that at work. Don't get me wrong I have nothing against the person, and I actually prayed for this person after the conversation was done I just don't like being blind sided and backed in a corner.
I find it funny (in a very sarcastic way) that I can't talk about religion at work, or share my belief but it is OK to be confronted by someone with non-religious beliefs and get asked to defend myself, my church, my beliefs and my God. It's OK to bash Christianity at work but it's frowned upon and prevented to tell anyone that I'm a Christ follower or an assistant pastor! Oh well what's a guy to do? You know what someone should do, show patience, understanding, compassion and love for the attacker because God is a mighty God and He can defend himself. What you have to do is be prepared to answer questions once the confrontation is done. You see as soon as the person left and everything calmed down I had 4 people come up to me and ask how I kept my cool and that they wanted to speak with me about personal problems and ask me if God can actually help them.
Thank you God for the opportunities, thank you for trusting me but mostly Thank you God for calling me to serve You.
My advice to you is listen for His voice, be willing to do what it takes and be ready when He calls you, because it can happen at any time.
Talk at you later
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