Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Another day another month

October 1st today! Wow where has the summer gone? Seems like only yesterday I was getting the bike ready for the summer. With all the rain we had this year it feels like we only had 1 day of summer. But looking back on the summer that never was, or so it seems, I accomplished a lot this year. Even with all the rain I still managed to put over 15,000 kms on 3 bikes (3 because mine was out of commission several times this year thanks Rox and Scott for the loaners). So as I sit back and think about all the things accomplished I find myself smiling and thinking maybe this was the summer that was after all.

Some of the things that I wanted to accomplish this year were:

1. More mileage than last year. 10,000 last year over 15,000 this year and still some time to go, not bad.
2. Start a French Bikers Church. We managed to temporarily secure a location and started with 4 monthly services on Wednesdays working on updating the website and made connections with other French Pastors.
4. Go out and connecting with new people to promote both French and English Bikers Church. At one point I was out almost every night either on the market at the show and shine or the Tim's in Rockland.
5. Get Roxanne to ride more this year. After a slow start to her season and the fact that I had her bike for almost 3 weeks at the beginning of the summer August and September have been really great riding months for her.
6. Read more books. I read more books this year than I have since and including High School.
7. Spend more quality time with family and friends. Nothing says quality time and closeness like two rainy weeks in a tent trailer when on holidays.

And last but definitely not least!

8. Get more hands on experience doing ministry. What an awesome summer for me this year when it comes to ministry, I preached in 5 different churches, prepared and preached over 6 times and every time a different message, got to know some new people, volunteered at 3 different churches and helped at our own events! As much as I am proud of these things what I'm most proud of is the fact that we had excellent BC representation at EVERY one of those events. I got a feel of what it's like to be part of a real team, no wait that's not strong enough, a real family of people who want to give and serve.

So looking at this list I now realize that sometimes we can be blinded by negativity when it comes to weather, finances or lack of time but if you actually sit down and think positively and change your outlook you can come up with a list of great things you did. Don't focus on the rainy days focus on the fun you had with your kids going to Cosmic Adventure, don't focus on the electrical storms and power outages this year, focus on the stories read by flashlight or the candle light evenings with your spouse. Change your thinking and your outlook and I'm sure you will find a lot of great things from last summer.

Oh and by the way riding season isn't over we still have another 2 months of riding left.

Talk at you later


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