A couple of weeks I shared my thoughts about image issues that I face as a biker. Today I want to share some thoughts on image when it comes to being a Christian. Yesterday I had the privilege to pick up and hang around a great Pastor, President of Masters College and Seminary, awesome speaker, incredible spiritual leader and all around great guy. He came to speak at Bikers Church, and what an amazing experience it was to have him there. Rob called me earlier this week and asked if I could go with him to pick our guest speaker and maybe we can grab a bite to eat before the service. I said sure it would be cool to meet someone who's been a spiritual leader for over 30 years and get to share his knowledge and experience. Everything was fine, I was really looking forward to meeting him, spend time with him, I even had some questions ready to ask him. But then I started to think, anyone who knows me, knows I shouldn't try to think, who am I going to be tonight? Am I going to be intimidating biker guy, my wannabe super christian or am I going to be me? Tough question one that I debated all day yesterday. For some stuff it was easy for others I'm still not sure. Here's my list I hope you can relate.
Clothes: Easy - biker - jeans t-shirt but hey no stains so noticeable improvement.
Vehicle: Again easy - biker - Pathfinder a lot cooler than the Kia minivan.
Attitude: I gotta be me - joking but not annoying I hope.
Driving skills: Super Christian didn't want him praying the whole way to church.
Those were pretty easy and not too much thought given these next ones are the hard ones. I'm even second guessing my own choices:
Music: Biker me wants Chez or Virgin Radio, Regular me wants Bob FM (love the 80's hair bands) and the super Christian me thinks maybe worship music CHRI in Ottawa. I really struggled with this one all day and as I see him and Rob coming towards the car I changed the station about 12 times, AAAAAAHHHH they’re getting closer make a decision, make it now what do you choose come on hurry up!!!! The door opens and finally I break I turned the radio off! Woohoo Marty 1 - Over thinking 0!
Conversation: Biker me wants to intimidate by sharing my testimony and life choices, Regular me just wants to crack jokes and keep the conversation superficial but Super Christian me wants to get into a deep theological discussion on the history of the PAOC, their values and statement of faith, the early church, oh and maybe throw in a couple of Jesus statements when the opportunity arises. Decision was made for me he asked me; about me (my favorite subject).
Eating: Biker me wants a 12oz rib steak!!! Regular me wants a burger and fries and Super Christian me wants a salad because that's what everybody else was eating! I have to admit the SC won this time I had a Greek salad and was hungry 15 minutes later.
Once I got home and thought about this I realized that we, or should I say, I spend way to much time and effort trying to figure out who I am. There is a bit of me in all those "characters" in my life and maybe that's who I am part biker, part kid and part super Christian. The trick is to know when to use the correct part for the correct situation.
Talk at you later